Whenever you hire a new employee do the following:
- Determine whether or not your employee can legally work in the US. Please have your employee fill out form I-9 from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website. The form can be downloaded here. Keep the filled out I-9 and any supporting documentation provided by your employee for your records.
- Federal Law requires you to inform your state’s Employer Agency or Department about any new hire or rehired employee. The federal government stipulates what data must be collected and that it has to be submitted within 20 days of the hiring or rehiring date, but it is left to the individual states how this information is to be submitted. Some states provide a dedicated paper form, others allow you to submit quite informally in writing as long as you provide the required data. Some states offer an online form. For instance, in California submitting new hire information is part of their e-Services for Business.